
Selected examples of STIM projects

Procter and Gamble, Lagos, Nigeria

Layout and workshop engineering, static analysis, and delivery

  • steel structure: ~ 50 tons metal work and supervision of erection:
  • steel structure : ~ 1.500 tons
  • roof and wall cladding: ~ 31.500 m²

Highway-Bridge over the river Mures, Romania

Consultant work, quality control and supervision

  • steel structure: ~ 6.500 tons

Central Bank Lagos, Nigeria

Engineering, delivery and supervision of steel structure for a Helipad

Iron Ore Project, Zouerate, Mauretania

Delivery of plate work, 180 tons of chutes, and steel structure for conveyor parts

EGTL – Escravos Gas to Liquid Plant, Nigeria

Layout and workshop engineering, static analysis, delivery and supervision of erection

  • Building steel structure according to British standard: ~ 500 tons
  • Cladding: Mineral Sandwich Panels: ~ 10.000 m²
  • Finishing components: Roller shutter doors, Roof and Wall louvers

Roof Greenpoint Stadium, Cape Town, South Africa

Consultant work, workshop engineering, static analysis for erection, supervision of erection

  • Stadium capacity of 70.000 people
  • Roof steel structure : ~ 2.000 tons Supported on radial, - ring cables and an outside compression ring (steel box girder)

Business Center Tinapa, Calabar, Nigeria

Layout and workshop engineering, static analysis, delivery and supervision of erection

  • Roof steel structure for 52 mall line shops with entertainment building, restaurant: ~ 570 tons, including ~ 110 tons cold rolled purlin
  • Roof cladding for restaurant, facade, ~ 6.500 m²

International Airport Mongomeyen, Equatorial Guinea

Layout and workshop engineering, static analysis, delivery and supervision of erection

  • Cladding Alu-Kalzip ~ 8.000 m²
  • Roof steel structure: ~ 140 tons
  • Metalwork: ~ 100 tons

Petrol Terminal Bonny Island, Nigeria

Layout and workshop engineering, static analysis, delivery and supervision of erection

  • Roof steel structure for 110 houses and schools: ~ 550 tons

Central Park Entrance Gateway, Pylon railway station canopy, Manchester, Great Britain

Quality control and delivery

  • Bended pipe steel structure: ~ 105 tons, cable supported

Stack Power House Libya

Quality control supervision of steel structure fabrication

  • Steel structure for stack: ~ 110 tons

Solar Thermal Power Plant Egypt

Quality control supervision of steel structure, fabrication and erection

  • Supervision of steel structure assembly: ~ 3.000 tons

Tower for Roller Coaster, Orlando, USA

Delivery and quality control

  • Coated steel structure: ~ 110 tons

Solar Thermal Power Plant Andasol 3, Guadix, Spain

Quality control and supervision of steel structure assembly for: Layout and workshop engineering, static analysis, delivery and supervision of erection

  • Steel structure: ~  12.500 tons

60 m stack, Glass Bottle Plant, Mineralnye Vody, Russia

Supervision of stack erection

Biogas + Waste Treatment Plant Brest, Belarus

Supervision, erection and quality control

  • Steel structure: ~ 350 tons

Ting Kau cable stay bridge, Hongkong

General detail drawings for the local workshop engineering by STIM, with coordination workshop/project engineering in Germany, modication of the factory (flow sheet and new equipment), quality and fabrication supervision in the factory in Shenzen, China

  • 13.000 ton of steel structure